Monday, October 15, 2007

Junta Turns Against Its Soldiers

Source: Democratic Voice of Burma

Following reports last week about Junta's 3-enemy strategy, DVB reported Saturday that the plan has been put into action.

A military source told DVB that soldiers belonging to troops that fired at protesters have started to defect after Gen Than Shwe issued orders to get rid of them. There were no details on the soldiers who have defected, but it was reported that most of them were from the troop that was implicated in the death of Japanese Journalist, Mr Kenji Nagai.

It was reported that the soldier who was seen shooting at Mr Nagai at close range, is one of those who defected. In the video footage, he was seen wearing a partial uniform with slippers. Sources say that this soldier is a sniper who ran down from a nearby building to the scene.

A source close to the military said that the soldiers and lower ranking officers have begun to realise that junta would soon turn against them once the protests have died down, and this has prompted the defections.

The same source had earlier sent a voice file to DVB in which a monk was heard instructing the junta to eliminate all elements of opposition, and to subsequently get rid of evidence. Gen Than Shwe is reportedly adhering to this advice.

The source confirmed that a plan has been set in motion to decimate all military troops and riot police involved in the beating and killing of monks and protesters.

For the original article in Burmese, please follow this link:

To view the report on 6th October, please follow this link:

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