Monday, October 01, 2007

Junta Continues to Brutally Crush Protests

September 30th, Mogoke, Mandalay State:
About 200 monks and thousands of civilians who were marching were cornered by junta troops and brutally beaten and arrested.
As about 3000 civilians, led by the monks, approached the KyatPyin Market, troops and policemen in 15 vehicles set up road blocks at both ends of the road, and started beating the protesters, a man who was involved in the march told the reporter.
"They started beating the women first. When we gathered for the march, the women were at the back of the crowd, and so that's how they came to be the first victims."
A local eyewitness said that the men were arrested while trying to help the women. In all, 34 people were arrested including 6 women and 2 monks.
"When the monks were being beaten, some of the women pleaded with them not to hurt the monks, but to arrest them (the women) instead. So there were women and men who allowed themselves to be arrested."
Many in the crowd, including 5 monks, were beaten so severely that they sustained serious head injuries, said a man who was involved in the protest.
It is reported that the detainees have been sent to the city of Mandalay.

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